ISO/TR TECHNICAL REPORT 16786 First edition 2015-08-15 Intelligent transport systems - The use of simulation models for evaluation of traffic management systems - Input parameters and reporting template for simulation of traffic signal control systems Systemes intelligents de transport-Utilisation de modeles de simulation pour I'évaluation des systemes de management du traficroutier-Parametresd'entrée et modelederapport pour la simulation des systemes de controledes signaux dutrafic routier Referencenumber IS0/TR16786:2015(E) LSO @IS02015 IS0/TR16786:2015(E) COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT @ IS0 2015,Published in Switzerland All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISo's member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Ch. de Blandonnet 8. CP 401 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland Tel.+4122 749 0111 Fax +4122749 0947 @ IS0 2015 - All rights reserved IS0/TR16786:2015(E) Contents Page Foreword .iv Introduction. ..V 1 Scope. .1 2 Terms and definitions .1 3 Categories oftargeted signal control method .2 4 Signalcontrolforisolatedintersection .3 4.1 Simulationcondition .3 4.1.1 Simulator. 3 4.1.2 Road network .3 4.1.3 Vehicle detector 3 4.1.4 Traffic conditions and simulation time .4 4.1.5 Signal control 4 4.1.6 Simulation system configuration .5 4.2 Methodsofpresentingsimulationresults 5 4.2.1 Signal control parameter .5 4.2.2 Evaluation index .6 4.2.3 Target for comparison .7 5 Area traffic control .7 5.1 Simulationconditions .7 5.1.1 Simulator. .7 5.1.2 Road network .7 5.1.3 Vehicle detector .7 5.1.4 Traffic condition ..8 5.1.5 Signal control 8 5.1.6 Simulation system configuration 5.2 Methods of presentation ofsimulationresults .8 5.2.1 Signal control parameters. ..8 5.2.2 EvaluationIndex. ..8 AnnexA (informative)Exampleofsimulationconditionsforevaluationofsignalcontrol systemsperformance (incaseofareatrafficcontrol) 9 PIC02015 zation rights reserved ii

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ISO TR 16786 2015 Intelligent transport systems — The use of simulation models for evaluation of traffic management systems — Input parameters and reporting template for simulation of traffic 第 1 页 ISO TR 16786 2015 Intelligent transport systems — The use of simulation models for evaluation of traffic management systems — Input parameters and reporting template for simulation of traffic 第 2 页 ISO TR 16786 2015 Intelligent transport systems — The use of simulation models for evaluation of traffic management systems — Input parameters and reporting template for simulation of traffic 第 3 页
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