TECHNICAL ISO/IEC TR REPORT 19446 Firstedition 2015-08-15 Differences between the driving licences based on the IS0/IEC 18013 series and the European Union specifications Differences entre les permis de conduire basés sur la serie Iso/IEC 18013et les spécificationsdeI'Union Européenne Reference number IS0/IECTR19446:2015(E) TE( Intermational Organization for Standardization ardization5956617 @IS0/IEC2015 d without license from IHS IS0/IECTR19446:2015(E) COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT IS0/IEC 2015,Published in Switzerland All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Ch. de Blandonnet 8. CP 401 CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva, Switzerland Tel. +41 22 749 01 11 Fax +4122 749 09 47 Intemationaibr PrganizationforStandardization Uicense-zhejang Insitt of Standare@aJSJEC 2015 - All rights reserved etworking permitted without license from IHS NotforResale, 2015/11/1109:10:50 IS0/IECTR19446:2015(E) Contents Page Foreword ..iv Introduction.. .. 1 Scope. 2 Normative references 3 Terms, definitionsandabbreviatedterms 4 File structure .1 5 Data groups. .2 5.1 General .2 5.2 EF.DG1 Data Group 1 .2 5.2.1 Type approval number Tag =‘5F 01' .3 5.2.2 Constructed data object of demographic data elements Tag =‘5F 02' .3 5.2.3 Categoriesofvehicles/restrictions/conditions-Tag=‘7F63' 4 5.3 EF.DG5DataGroup5 .4 5.4 EF.DG6Data Group 6 4 6 EuropeanUnionmodeldrivinglicence ..4 7 Authenticityverification .4 8 Access to data group .4 9 Complementarytests methodsforEuropean driving licence .5 9.1 Scope. .5 9.2 Testcasespecification:LDS in SEon SIC .7 9.2.1 Introduction .7 9.2.2 General testrequirements 7 9.2.3 Test Layer SE_LDS-Logical Data Structure Tests. ..8 9.3 TestCaseSpecification:Commandsfor SEon SIC. 23 9.3.1 Introduction 23 9.3.2 General test requirements 23 9.3.3 Test LayerSE_ISo/IEc7816Security and CommandTests 23 Bibliography .25 iii icensee=Zhejiang Institute of Sta Jardization 5956617 ithout license from IHS Not for Resale, 2015/11/11 09:10:50

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ISO IEC TR 19446 2015 Differences between the driving licences based on the ISO IEC 18013 series and the European Union specifications 第 1 页 ISO IEC TR 19446 2015 Differences between the driving licences based on the ISO IEC 18013 series and the European Union specifications 第 2 页 ISO IEC TR 19446 2015 Differences between the driving licences based on the ISO IEC 18013 series and the European Union specifications 第 3 页
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