ISO/IEC INTERNATIONAL STANDARD 24730-61 First edition 2013-08-01 Information technology Real time locating systems (RTLS) - Part 61: Low rate pulse repetition frequency Ultra Wide Band (UWB) air interface Technologies de I'information Systemes de localisation en temps réel (RTLS) Partie 61: Interface d'air ultra large a bas taux de bande de fréquence de répétition d'impulsion (UWB) Reference number ISO/IEC 24730-61:2013(E) IEO @ISO/IEC2013 ISO/IEC 24730-61:2013(E) COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT ISO/IEC2013 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. ISO copyright office Case postale 56 . CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail Web Published in Switzerland ii ISO/IEC 2013-All rights reserved ISO/IEC 24730-61:2013(E) Contents Page Foreword Introduction. 1 Scope 2 Normativereferences... 3 Terms, definitions, and abbreviated terms. 3.1 Terms and definitions .. 3.2 Symbols (and abbreviated terms)..... 4 General description... 4.1 Introduction....... 4.2 Components of the ISO/IEC 24730-61 RTLS network.. 4.3 Architecture .... 4.4 4.4.1 Data transfer from tag to infrastructure reader.... 4.4.2 Frame structure ... 4.4.3 Data verification.... 4.4.4 Overview of UwB options .... 5 PHY specification .... 5.1 General requirements and definitions.. 5.2 Modulation and data rates... 5.3 LRP UWB PHY channel numbering .... 5.4 LRP UWB PHY symbol structure .. 5.4.1 Base mode OOK PHY symbol structure .. 5.4.2 Extended mode OOK PHY symbol structure... 5.4.3 Long range mode PPM PHY symbol structure.... 10 5.4.4 LRP UWB SHR.... 11 5.4.5 LRP UWB PHY header (PHR) 12 5.4.6 LRP UWB data field.. 14 5.4.7 LRP UWB location enhancing information postamble 5.4.8 LRP UWB transmitter specification.... 15 5.4.9 LRP UWB reader specification....... 16 6 Tag management layer. 16 6.1 17 6.2 Frame control.. 17 6.2.1 Frame type ... 17 6.2.2 Long frame control. 6.2.3 Destination address mode 6.2.4 Source address mode, 18 6.3 Sequence number, 18 6.4 Tag ID (EUI-.64) .... 18 6.5 Encoding header... 6.6 ISO/IEC15963ID. 19 6.6.1 Allocation class. 19 6.6.2 Manufacturer ID 20 6.6.3 Tag ID. 20 6.7 Temperature sensor data 20 6.8 Optional extended ID. 20 6.8.1 6.8.2 Ex-ID length.. 20 6.8.3 21 ISO/IEC2013-All rights reserved ili
ISO IEC 24730-61 2013 Information technology — Real time locating systems (RTLS) — Part 61 Low rate pulse repetition frequency Ultra Wide Band (UWB) air interface
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